Education is everything. When it comes to the environment, nature and all things outdoors, a horticulture speaker can bring information, passion and so much more to your group. From a green industry speaker to an expert in plants that grow in your area, these professionals can educate and even entertain a variety of different types of groups.
What types of groups use these types of speakers' services? If you're wonder whether a horticulture-focused speaking arrangement can benefit your organization or association, take a look at some of the most common questions group leaders ask about setting up one of these very special events.
Who Hires Horticulture Speakers?
There isn't just one group profile that fits the speaker-hiring mold. Groups that focus on outdoors, "green", environmental or planting topics or activities can all benefit from one od these speakers. This includes gardening clubs, nature conservancy organizations, school recycling clubs along with businesses that sell gardening services or products (including flowers and plants).
There are some groups or organizations that aren't specifically related to horticulture or environmental topics that can also use this type of speaker. Scouting troops, libraries, schools (at any level from preschool through college) and community groups also hire horticulture speakers for special events, classes, workshops and educational activities.
What Topics Do These Speakers Cover?
The answer to this question depends on the speaker and what their specialization is. A horticulture speaker may focus on growing specific types of plants (such as herbs or flowering perennials), while a green industry speaker may talk about how humans impact the planet, ways to recycle and reuse or how composting works.
Why Hire a Horticulture Speaker?
Again, the answer to this question lies in the idea that education is everything. Every group, school or organization has different goals and objectives for helping their members/students learn.
The key to deciding if, and which, speaker you'll hire is to outline your learning and education goals. Ask yourself what you want your group to get out of a speaker's presentation and what benefits they'll receive. Setting learning goals won't only tell you whether you should hire a horticulture speaker, but it will also help you to decide which expert you want to choose.
Whether you're a middle school teacher who wants their students to better understand botany or you lead the local gardening club that helps novices to pick plants that grow well in your region, you can benefit from one of these speakers.